Archive for the ‘bono’ Category

Likes & Dislikes

September 6, 2009
Things I Like:
Things I Dislike:
  • Whaling. And dolphin hunting. And the Japanese government for allowing it. If you’re undecided on the matter, go see The Cove.
  • Bono. Bono. Bono.
  • People who can’t be bothered to put the toilet paper roll on the toilet paper holder. Number one, it’s just effing lazy. Number two, how much effort does it really take to make the switch– like, none. And number three, if you’re not going to change out the rolls, then why have a toilet paper holder in the first place? Why?

* The kid in the video at the top of the post, dummies.
** Multiple Choice– this kid is, a) one of those weird home schooled kids, b) the most adorable child alive, c) gay, d) all of the above, or e) none of the above