Archive for the ‘health care reform’ Category


November 10, 2009

When you think about hippos you think fat, slow, and dumb. Well, I am not entirely interested in discussing hippos or the best thing about them (how they shit), but what I do wanna talk about is hypocrites.

I think its hilarious watching all these conservatives, right wingers, republicans, libertarians, hicks, whatever you want to call them, screaming and ranting about the deficit and spending in congress. This is their biggest issue, controlling spending. Stimulus package!! NOO! Health Care, “Well, I oppose it because I’m worried about the deficit.” The government needs to get spending under control. What i say to this, “are you fucking crazy?” George Bush, who most of these psychos supported, put our country in more debt than ever. And what did he spend the money on? Halliburton and various other companies that his administration had interests in. They were paid to fight a war that should have been fought by the Military. Tax payer dollars were given to these private corporations and we outsourced our pride and dignity so that some CEO’s could make a ton of money and we could kill a bunch of Iraqi civilians.

With the money that we spend in Iraq or on Halliburton we could have given the entire country Health Care and a College education for the next 100 years. Instead we paid a bunch of rich white dudes to kill a bunch of Muslims. So yes, I’m pissed. This entire bullshit war was one big stimulus package to the largest corporations in the country. There was no reason to do this, other than to take tax payer money and spend it so ugly white dudes could pay for high paid hookers and jerk off on 100 dollar bills.
The most ridiculous part about this whole morally depraved clusterfuck is that it was politically backed by the poorest most rural members of our society who believed in their heart that their country was protecting freedom and the country. These are the same people who adamantly oppose that the government provide health care that they can afford.
Is this really what this country is about? How have the conservatives framed this debate so that it makes sense to spend tax payer money on paying private countries to destroy and rebuild a country and potentially reap the benefits financially and vacation in the Virgin Islands– but providing cash so that normal Americans can have access to health care is a waste of money? I’m confused. If anyone can explain this paradox to me. Please. Because I simply don’t understand.

Democratic Assasination?

September 29, 2009

Over the weekend, someone apparently used a 3rd party Facebook application to publish a poll begging the rather unaskable question; “should obama be killed?” So, it took a few days to gain some traction, someone on Twitter brought it to the attention of some blogger who brought it to the attention of the Secret Service, then the major news outlets caught wind, and in the end, after a few days, it was pulled — after over 750 people voted on it.

Wow. Perhaps the most frightening feature of this poll, which can be seen here, is the answer selection given by the pollster, probably a youngster with little knowledge of capital letters living in a home perpetually tuned in to Fox News and Conservative talk radio. The answer, “if he cuts my health care,” is just the latest proof of the volatility that the far-right has injected into this dispute. The far-right’s fringe arguments, however — the impending imposition of “death panels,” government oversight meaning the complete obliteration of private insurance and a loss of healthcare for the middle-class, etc. — seem to be making a rapid transit into the mainstream Conservative debate. When Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh’s crazy talk becomes commonly repeated by people much closer and much more moderate than the extreme Conservatives that I have witnessed only in faceless YouTube comments, not only do I get scared, but we, as a society, rapidly lose the ability to have thoughtful discourse on anything, healthcare or otherwise. Once that goes out the window, it’s only a matter of time before people actually think ridiculous things, like killing the president is the best way to make sure he doesn’t take away their healthcare. Oh, wait…

I love health care, Yes, I do, I love health care, how bout YOU

September 10, 2009

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In case you missed it… Obama’s big health care speech. I haven’t formed an opinion yet but I’m curious as to yours.
*Note: Michelle Obama’s hair/makeup/arms = correct.

** Note: Joe Wilson yelling “you lie” was, in a word, um, inappropriate.