Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

How’s this for putting things into perspective

November 11, 2009
Final Score:

Fox news: -2

Obama Admin: 0
Jon Stewart: 823

Happy Birthday Patriot Act

October 26, 2009

Today marks the 8th birthday of the the USA PATRIOT Act, signed into law by George W. Bush on this day in 2001. Those were different times, the nation was still reeling from the September 11th attacks and the measure was passed easily through Congress. The words for which the act was named — “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” — and the vaguely stated purpose — “to deter and punish American terrorists in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes” — made people feel safe and secure, not, as many feel now, skeptical of exactly what the Patriot Act is being used for.

To make a long story short, in singing happy birthday to the Patriot Act today, we also sing happy birthday to its offspring/hellspawn: the widespread breech of American privacy, blanket requests of personal information, warrantless surveillance, sneak-and-peek warrants and the general erosion of many constitutional rights, just to name a few. So, happy birthday to you, Patriot Act, here’s to many more, I’m sure.

Democratic Assasination?

September 29, 2009

Over the weekend, someone apparently used a 3rd party Facebook application to publish a poll begging the rather unaskable question; “should obama be killed?” So, it took a few days to gain some traction, someone on Twitter brought it to the attention of some blogger who brought it to the attention of the Secret Service, then the major news outlets caught wind, and in the end, after a few days, it was pulled — after over 750 people voted on it.

Wow. Perhaps the most frightening feature of this poll, which can be seen here, is the answer selection given by the pollster, probably a youngster with little knowledge of capital letters living in a home perpetually tuned in to Fox News and Conservative talk radio. The answer, “if he cuts my health care,” is just the latest proof of the volatility that the far-right has injected into this dispute. The far-right’s fringe arguments, however — the impending imposition of “death panels,” government oversight meaning the complete obliteration of private insurance and a loss of healthcare for the middle-class, etc. — seem to be making a rapid transit into the mainstream Conservative debate. When Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh’s crazy talk becomes commonly repeated by people much closer and much more moderate than the extreme Conservatives that I have witnessed only in faceless YouTube comments, not only do I get scared, but we, as a society, rapidly lose the ability to have thoughtful discourse on anything, healthcare or otherwise. Once that goes out the window, it’s only a matter of time before people actually think ridiculous things, like killing the president is the best way to make sure he doesn’t take away their healthcare. Oh, wait…

I love health care, Yes, I do, I love health care, how bout YOU

September 10, 2009

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In case you missed it… Obama’s big health care speech. I haven’t formed an opinion yet but I’m curious as to yours.
*Note: Michelle Obama’s hair/makeup/arms = correct.

** Note: Joe Wilson yelling “you lie” was, in a word, um, inappropriate.

In case you were wondering…

September 9, 2009

Tim Watters, the so-called ‘world’s greatest Bill Clinton impersonator’ has grossed $1 million dollars in a year, owns six cars and two beach houses. No wonder that this year, at the Annual Convention of Celebrity Impersonators, actors like Ron Butler (above) are participants in the race to become the number one Obama impersonator. How very bizzare.
Read all about it here.

Horrible Parents make Horrible People

August 6, 2009

You know what… Life is really fucked up… Filled with fun and games but also birth and death… Two things that can really bring you and the rest of the world down. Although birth is usually a little more uplifting then death, lots of births are tarnished by the knowledge that the parents of this small human are too fucked up to take care of themselves, much less take care of a baby.

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It takes patience, practice, calculated decisions, and a fuck load of time. Children are incredibly needy and annoying and it takes a superstar to be able to put up with them day in and day out without resorting to some-sort of physical or verbal abuse. Most people just cant take it. And so they either just bounce, or they start freaking out and abusing the kid in some manner. Hence why so many people spend so much time and money sitting in a chair talking to a stranger about their problems. It sucks.

So many people are cheated out of the proper childhood and thus the rest of their lives are marred by the various horrible experiences that happened when they were young and their parents were blowing crack hits in their face.

My plan to save us all the trouble of dealing with these crazy neglected humans is to try to cut down on them. And no, I’m not proposing genocide. What I’m proposing is that people be required to obtain a license before they give birth. They should have to be able to prove that they are stable enough to have a kid and take care of it without being neglectful.– that they are stable enough to not verbally or physically abuse the child if it’s crying. Basically, just a little short test to determine them capable of having baby. I’m not saying it should be the fucking LSATS. Just a small examination so that we cut down on the number of single mothers or babies that come from fucked up broken situations, because that never turns out well for the kids or, frankly, society.

This may sound crazy to you, but China requires you to have a license to give birth. And you’re only allowed one baby per couple. Now, I’m a little ashamed to say that we should look to the Chinese for advice. Maybe that’s proof right there that this idea is fucked. But I dont think so. I think what’s fucked is people who’s entire lives are stolen from them because they are obsessed with something horrible that happened to them when they were children. Crack heads, meth heads, and Mormons should not be having children, end of story.

Come on Barack Obeeazy, lets see what you got.

Obama and Israel

July 29, 2009

I am having an internal conflict….mostly its internal because all my friends are raging liberals and i fear being stoned to death by verbalizing my true feelings regarding Obama and his politics with Israel. But today my friends, my heart was filled with the courage of a lion…a big lion…maybe a lioness….whichever one is more ferocious….ok, moving on.

Anyways, I’m a moderate republican. Im fiscally conservative because i love money, and im socially liberal, because i love freedom and partying and the freedom to party. But I did not vote for obama, and this is why i have not shared my real name with this blog. Not voting for Obama is a social no no amongst the people I surround myself with.

So, my main issue is Israel. I think it is important for the United States to align itself with innovative, productive free states, and Israel is a prime example of that. Even if I cant convince my tree loving friends to support Israel politically, at least I can always point out Israel’s strengths with green technology and social liberalism.

Now, I realize that the Bush administration kinda killed it for us Israel supporters. It seems that anything Bush did, people want Obama to do the opposite – which is a way is a good thing. I’m all for change. The country obviously needs change- and generally speaking I think Obama is doing a good job. Hope is important, and he is instilling that every day with his continual push for growth and prosperity in our nation. I literally have ONE bone to pick with Obama…whats with snubbing Israel?

So the Cairo speech – infamous, and an all around good effort. The muslim world hates us (thanks Dubs) and that needs to change. We are suppose to be an inclusive and accepting country – and that means accepting EVERYONE – I dont really care what religion they are, what they’re political views are, i dont care if they hate me – america is about welcoming people of all cultures and all backgrounds – thats what makes this country great. – but why in Cairo? That speech could have easily been given in a country where its citizens are not under the oppression of dictator. (yes i realize we support this dictator, but i am by no means saying thats right). Pakistan is a perfect example. Thats an official Isalamic State operates as a federal republic and has a legitimate government. He could have easily given the speech there.

But that aside- I think the speech put faith in the Islamic community – mending our ties with Muslims around the world. GOOD. GOOD. I LIIIIKE THIS. but what about Israel?

Obama is being freaking COLD to Israel. Freeze the settlements he says…um….ok, quite frankly Israelis dont care about the settlements, so sure freeze them – but for your information (to those of you who think its trendy to hate on israel) all two state agreements that have EVER been drafted have included those settlements in an Israeli state. Additionally, its like he just hates netanyahu. Obamas middle east policies need to be revamped. This whole Iran thing? yah, hows that going big guy?
and whats with implying that Israel exists as a consequence of guilt following the holocaust? israel exists because of struggle and zionism; nothing has ever, EVER just been given to the jews. So should Obama start handing out love now? I mean, lets not twist his arm, quite frankly Israel is used to being on its own. (although the US has already been a friend to Israel, and was the first to acknowledge it, 11 minutes after it was created, it wasnt until Clinton that Israel gained a strong friendship with the US).

basically, what i’m saying is israel can handle it, but give us a little credit. we’re not bad guys you know. We want peace just as much as anyone else. and we’re willing to compromise and work to get there. but how about a little support? how about a little sympathy? its just trendy all of a sudden to vilianize israel.

anyways those are my thoughts on that. take it or leave it. i dont care .