Archive for the ‘HBO’ Category

Robin Williams is just funnier than everyone

December 8, 2009

I just had the chance to watch Robin Williams’s brand new comedy special, Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction, that aired for the first time last night on HBO and all I have to say is
I haven’t laughed so hard since his last HBO special, 2002’s brilliant Live on Broadway. Honestly, the man is funnier than, well, everyone. He’s disgustingly talented. Disgustingly.

That being said, why doesn’t he just do stand up all the time? It’s not like he needs the paycheck he gets from garbage like this. Or this. Or this. Jesus.

To finish up, if you have HBO, I’m pretty sure you can get Weapons of Self Destruction On Demand, and here’s my favorite clip from Live on Broadway. If you haven’t seen it, don’t talk to me until you do. You’re welcome.