Archive for the ‘racism’ Category

Michelle Malkin, a C-word and a B-word

November 13, 2009

Instead of going right out and saying it, I decided I’d tone down the title. The linked blog is no longer operational, and I’m a little worried that the founder may have been assassinated. Anyways, in today’s 2nd installment of “Xenophobic Assclowns,” we’re going to focus on a loud and obnoxious conservative pundit named Michelle Malkin. Though she has been working hard at hate-mongering, contributing to Fox News, and generally being an ultra-conservative moron for years, there is one incident in particular that has again made people like me realize how much I despise people like her.

On Tuesday, Michelle Malkin went on Fox News to — like most of their guests that day — drop a bunch of anti-Muslim blanket statements. After feeling happy with herself for correctly pronouncing the names of certain Arabs, she went on to say that “Political correctness is the handmaiden of terror…Military officials seem to worship the false god of diversity.” Then she accused the armed forces of overlooking many “Muslim soldiers with attitude…who’ve been able to infiltrate themselves and insinuate themselves in the armed forces despite all sorts of warning signs about their hatred for America and their jihadi intentions.”

Now, as for the first part about political correctness and diversity, I’m not really sure exactly what Malkin is getting at. Is she arguing for an all white and all Christian armed forces? If that were the case, I can promise you that recruitment numbers would drop to a point of complete military paralysis. Or, is she instead arguing that we need a Muslim-free armed forces? If that is the case, not only is she being overtly racist, but she is downplaying the positive role that thousands of Muslims have already played and will continue to play in the military — that is if widespread talk like this doesn’t change the already complex way they feel about fighting America’s current wars.

I also find Malkin’s tone in her second quote about Muslims “with attitude” to be offensive. Not only does she misuse the word “insinuate,” but she implies that there have been numerous Muslim-Americans in the armed forces with “jihadi intentions.” As far as I know, this is not at all true. Now, this isn’t the first time that Malkin has been quick to needlessly accuse something of being “jihadi.” In May of 2008, Malkin and a bunch of other conservative pundits began a brief but highly publicized crusade against Dunkin Donuts for an ad that featured Rachael Ray in what was apparently a “jihadi chic keffiyeh” — or, as Malkin put it, hate couture.

Perhaps the most annoying aspect of this interview, or of Malkin’s entire being, for that matter, is her inability to look at herself in the mirror. She is a first generation Filipina, born to parents who had come from the Phillipines earlier that year. At a speech she gave at her alma mater, Oberlin College — very liberal by the way — she countered an accusation of being insensitive to the plight of minorities with her own personal story.

“She told the audience that once, in kindergarten, she came home crying because she was called a racist name. ‘My mom wiped my tears…and told me everyone has prejudice,’ she said. ‘I am eternally grateful for this [lesson].'”

What I take away from this is pretty much that from a young age, she has believed that everybody harbors some racist sentiments, whether overt or covert. So, to become famous, she decided to play to the most outspoken racists by becoming one of their spokespeople, instead of one of their usual targets. And now, for some reason, the Fox News crowd not only accepts, but embraces this kind of rhetoric. Michelle Malkin, you are a sick, self-hating, human being. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Another one of Malkin’s main points has always been that “liberals see racism where it doesn’t exist, fabricate it when they can’t find it, and ignore it within their own ranks.” Sadly enough, Malkin’s clear cut racism refutes her own argument. In looking at her words, we can see racism where it exists, we can always find it, and, for the time being, we can unite against a common, racist evil outside our own ranks.

Alright Pat Roberston, Tell Me What Islam Is

November 11, 2009

It looks like Perez Motel6 beat me to the ultra-conservative hate-fest, but there has never been any harm in throwing a little gas on the fire, unless you use too much, which, in this case, would be impossible. Believe me, with the conservative commentators’ reactions to last week’s tragic shootings at Ft. Hood, there will be plenty of gas to go around.

Let me start by saying that I agree with a main argument that is being made by many people, especially by conservatives — somebody messed up, big time. Nidal Malik Hassan was not and, whoever forbid, will not be the most covert terrorist to act on US soil. There were some pretty obvious signs that he was becoming increasingly radical, but for whatever reason, they were missed.

This, however, doesn’t change the fact that what Pat Robertson said yesterday was taking his racist, xenophobic lunacy to another level. After a rather long rant, he accused the United States of “covering up what Islam is.” According to Robertson, everything you have ever learned about Islam — from classes, books, Wikipedia, or from Muslims themselves — is wrong, and he would know. Islam is, instead, apparently a “violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination.” He wasn’t done yet, going on to say that we should treat Islam’s “adherents…as we would members of the Communist party or some fascist group.”

First off, does anyone else find it ironic that a hardcore Christian American is accusing another religion — or “political system” for that matter — of attempting to achieve world domination? If the goal was really to try to take over the world, history would clearly show that the US has emerged as The Brain, while the other nations are Pinkies. Ok, I’m not going to make blanket statements and call any single nation “genius” or “insane,” but you get the point. As to Robertson’s point about effectively treating Muslims as enemies of the state, I ask you sir, how stupid are you? Do you really think that every single person who answers to Allah speaks of infidels and jihad? Has the concept of moderacy in any way, shape or form ever entered that thick, right-leaning skull of yours, or does that miniscule mass of pink mush inside only allow you to think in extremes that induce hate and fear into an already fragily diverse equation?

So, Mr. Robertson, I both take offense to and disagree with your explanation of Islam, and pretty much anything you say for that matter. Everyone in this world is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.