Archive for the ‘Dr. John D. Clarke’ Category

S to the Wizzle, F to the Lizzle

September 30, 2009

The Department of Health and Human Services recently held a video contest that invited contestants to create a creative 15-30 P.S.A. about prevention for the H1N1 strain of influenza (Swine Flu).

The recently declared winner is Dr. John D. Clarke, M.D., FAAFP, Medical Director of the Long Island Railroad. He won by spitting a pretty fierce rap about effective prevention techniques for the ultra-contagious strain– you can see the winning PSA above. If you check out Dr. Clarke’s YouTube page, you’ll see a couple videos of him freestyling about Swine Flu– and honestly, dude’s got flow. Forreal. Keep poking around YouTube and you’ll find other performances where he covers diseases that range from Asthma to Diabetes.
Is a Jay-Z and Dr. C collaboration in the works? Um, probably– like they said in a New York Times blurb:

“…if you ask us, anyone who can rhyme “hand sanitizer” with “I advise ya” should win a Grammy.”

Stay tuned for more swine flu updates over the next few days– Dr. Trish Perl* has some interesting stuff abrewing.

* For those of you who don’t know me, Dr. Trish Perl is both very busy and important and… well… my mom. God, I’m lame.