Archive for the ‘names’ Category

Likes & Dislikes

October 15, 2009

Things I Like:

  • Celebrities* who give their children real names: Personally, I just don’t follow the school of though that allows famous people to name kids things like Blanket or Pilot Inspecktor.
  • True love**
  • Glee: I love this show so much that I catch myself wishing that they’d just release the DVD instead of making me wait 7 days between episodes. Those bitches.
  • Crate & Barrel***
Things I Dislike:
  • Canned tuna
  • The whole Jon & Kate drama: I just feel bad for the kids and I’d offer to boycott all tabloids that feature them on the cover except for the fact that I just don’t have that kind of self control.
  • Horror movies: Horror movies are either so bad that you want to subject yourself to a gruesome death rather than watch them, or scary. I’m sorry but neither option really appeals to me.
  • Milk as a beverage****
* Sarah Michelle Gellar recently gave birth to her first, a baby girl called Charlotte Grace. Lovely and normal name, right? Anyway, I thought it was interesting that such an obscure celebrity keeps cropping up in my ‘likes’ column– I featured her a while ago for owning a non-puntable dog. So yeah, kudos to her.

** I got so overwhelmed trying to elaborate on this that I think I have to do a whole entry devoted to true love. So yeah, coming soon.. or something.

*** While Crate & Barrel takes the cake because of their exclusive marimekko designs (see above link/ picture of bedspread for proof), this like also applies to Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, West Elm, and [obviously] IKEA.

****As an accompaniment to cereal? Sure. As a component in yogurt? Great. Pancakes? Awesome. Ice Cream? Yes, please. By itself? Absolutely not. I’m sorry but that’s just fucking disgusting.