Archive for the ‘how to teach your dog to walk on a treadmill video’ Category

Hey, guess what I did…

November 5, 2009

So my sometimes contributing author, Christen, had mentioned to me that her mother’s new dog can walk on the treadmill. I myself am the possessor of a highly energetic and athletic [not to mention really good looking] canine companion, and when it’s gross outside and he hasn’t been running with a family member in a while, he gets sort of… um, well, insane. Straight up jumping out of his skin, can’t contain any kind of anything, bat shit cray-cray.

This in mind, I thought that running on the treadmill would not only be a pretty s

weet trick to teach him, but more importantly, an excellent way to exercise him when we are otherwise occupied and have neither the time nor the desire to deal with his crazy. So I did a little research to help me map out a strategy/ method and then got to work. After fifteen minutes, doggie was trotting along happily on the treadmill.
If you’d be interested in teaching your pooch to do the same, here’s my first how-to video blog. I guess that when I’m nervous and on camera, I say ‘obviously’ a lot. Whoops. Anyway, I may eventually decide that this is too lame to continue to be made publicly available but until then, here it is: