Archive for the ‘Iron Man 2’ Category

I. Can’t. Wait.

December 18, 2009

It’s more than likely that you don’t understand the depths to which I am obsessed with last year’s IronMan, so let me enlighten you. I went through a six month phase where I watched it 3-5 every week. My roommate and I have gotten into a number legitimate arguments in which she tried to tell me that Bruce Wayne would be Tony Stark in a fight. Obviously, she’s wrong and if Tony Stark were non- fictional, he would run everyone’s show. At all times.

That said, imagine my excitement upon discovering that the first teaser for Iron Man 2 has been released. Can’t imagine it? Ok, I’ll tell you. I made a sound that combined screeching tires in a parking complex, a pig, and the Jersey Shore’s Snooki’s reaction to getting punched in the face.

Alas, we must wait until May 2010 to see the flick. Until then, I suppose I’ll satisfy my cravings with Robert Downey Jr.’s upcoming Sherlock Holmes. I’m pretty stoked for that too.